Friday, July 22, 2011

 Some comings and goings from the space over the last few weeks.  First off there was a complete reorganization of the woodworking area. It may look a bit cluttered here, but I swear it's better than it was!
Model of cleanliness, here. 

The work surface now has a giant 1/4" steel plate on top, increasing the durability of the table exponentially. Next to the work bench you can see our entire wood collection which is now sorted by size.

Another project that's been going on is the piecing together of all the computers we have parts for. I took this on myself and managed to ramtest, dban, and upgrade them all to the highest specs we have.

Carts let me work in the AC. Thank god for carts.

The bottom shelf is completed machines and represents 7 machines. All have at least 768MB of ram and at least a 2.4ghz P4. This is all the equipment I need to finally do the full LinuxMCE installation I've been wanting to do, and even leaves a few to give out as loaners to folks in the space that don't have computers. Fantastic.

These things are new. We got 2 of these industrial workspace laptop stands. The stand itself can be positioned at any height, the box at the bottom is storage, and the entire thing has a retractable power cable coiled up at the base.  These things are AWESOME and will probably be what ends up as the control for any CNC machines in the lab.

The wheelbase here is almost 2 feet by 1.5 feet, which makes the thing rock solid. There are some simple anti theft measures included. Robot arms for laptop stands are awesome!

 We have tons of projects in the space that will require printing. Zines are the very least of our interests that will require a more than minor printing capacity. This is the first unit gathered to meet this need. It's an HP 8150 with a duplexer installed and a paper hopper base stand. We have a sorter coming as well as a BUNCH of the extremely common ink that it uses. We also are hoping to acquire at least one extra fuser to put up on a shelf, and we need a JetDirect card.

I have a hard time with things like this. It's so close to being operational but isn't quite there. The decision to give it the floor space in the space is not in question, so it's taking space; but it's almost an inconvenience right now. Still, this stupid plastic and metal obelisk serves as a promise of things to come more than anything else right now.

A few things have been gotten rid of as well. The X-Ray machine is out, a stack of about a dozen servers met their fate, the heat press found a new home, the steel map case got sold, the antique periodic table found someone to love it, and a few black bench parts finally found someone that wanted to use them.

So there is a little bit of an update right now. We have also collected another ULTRA IMPORTANT piece to our manufacturing chain, but I'm posting it as it's own entry so that it's easier to keep it updated with the progress that is bound to come.

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